Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day!


To celebrate Pi Day, I set the twist of my first usable spindle yarn. Now, I have been making yarnish bits for a while, but this is the first bit that I have been actually pleased with enough to use. There
is not very much of it, but it will do. I have no idea what the roving was, besides of course "wool". It ranges from fingering weight to sport, which is really consistent for me.

Spring is here, and has been for a little while. This morning I was outside weeding and had the pleasure of observing a little green hummingbird in the orange blossoms, just a few feet away from me. I wasn't in time to capture a pic of the bird, but here are some shots of the blossoms. I wish I could lay them out in a grid.

So why am I choosing today to put up my first post? I hate to admit this, but it's my birthday ( I feel old), and it seemed like a very appropriate day.


  1. Happy belated birthday!

    Lovely yarn, too :)

    Thanks for your kind words about my Unspellable shawl. I did wear another one today just to show Roy that I do wear them. The darned thing kept sliding off my shoulders. Silk is slidy!

  2. people born on the 14th of any month, tend to be really awesome the girl in the blue cowl (not to be confused with the girl in the pearl earring)
